Monday, March 19, 2012

How To Stop Excessive Sweating And Live Life With Confidence

By Amanda Gollop
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People who experience hyperhidrosis are often acutely self-conscious and can find social interactions difficult. They will often go out of their way to avoid particular activities or situations. They often find that daily life is restricted by the need to shower throughout the day and change their clothes regularly. The debilitating effects of this condition should not be underestimated. Fortunately, there are treatments available. In addition, there are a number of lifestyle changes sufferers can adopt in order to diminish their symptoms.

There are a number of extra strength antiperspirants on the market. However, some of these may be prescription only. Most of these work by blocking sweat glands in the upper and middle layers of the epidermis. Users should follow the instructions carefully and be aware that stinging or mild irritation may occur. Deodorants are not effective in preventing sweating; they merely mask the odors caused by it. Odor arises as a result of bacteria feeding on sweat, therefore maintaining good basic hygiene is important.

Lifestyle can affect how much people are prone to sweating. Those who are overweight or obese are more likely to suffer from hyperhidrosis. Controlling weight can also help to control the symptoms of excessive sweating. In some instances sweating can be caused by certain foods. Highly processed foods and spicy foods are often the culprits. Some people find it helpful to keep a diet and symptom diary in order to identify offending foods. Over consumption of alcohol, and some medications, can also be the of cause excessive sweating. Wearing light clothing made from natural fabrics can be beneficial.

The causes of hyperhidrosis are not fully understood by medical science. It has been suggested that faulty brain signals may be responsible for triggering and excessive sweating response. If the simple measures outlined above prove to be ineffective it may be advisable to consult your physician. In some cases underlying and more serious conditions can be responsible for the sweating. One example is an overactive thyroid. This requires immediate attention.

If your doctor cannot find any underlying causes that could be causing sweating they may suggest other treatments for the condition. Botox injections have been found effective in combating underarm sweating. This involves administering a series of injections to the armpit area. The procedure does not take long and is effective for anywhere up to six months. The procedure will then have to be repeated. This can, however, be a painful way to treat sweaty palms and feet.

Surgery, known as ETS or endoscopic transthoracic sympathectomy, is an option. However, doctors will only advise this as a last resort treatment. It is complex surgery and patients must be operated on under general anesthesia. The nerve pathways from the brain to the sweat glands are destroyed, thus interrupting the signals that stimulate sweating. Complications may include compensatory sweating, which causes other parts of the body to perspire heavily. Some patients still experience the sensation of sweating, these are called 'phantom' sweats.

People who suffer from hyperhidrosis should not despair. There are measures they can take to control their condition and to stop sweating. They should not be afraid or too embarrassed to approach their physicians. They can give useful advice and ensure that no underlying illnesses are prompting the condition.

Amanda Gollop passionately believes everyone can achieve well being by taking control with a positive outlook. Discover more useful tips on how preventing profuse sweating and related health issues at Wildflower Apothecary.

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Thursday, May 27, 2010


Are you one of the many diabetics who has trouble getting your blood sugar under control? Is your doctor unhappy with your A1C readings no matter what you do?
Odds are, the situation isn't as hopeless as it seems. Given sufficient information and motivation, every Type II diabetic can bring their results in line with current recommendations.The question, then, is: do you have sufficient information and motivation?
Here are 5 practical tips to get your sugar under control.
1. Adjust to reality. Patients often tell their physicians that they are taking their medication as prescribed when, in fact, they are not. None of us likes to be scolded by a parent figure. But who are you fooling, your doctor or yourself? Rather than view your physician as an authority figure, think of him as a partner or advisor in your health care. If your doctor has prescribed a medication that you have no intention of taking, speak up, so the two of you can come up with a better solution. If you can never remember your evening dose of insulin, discuss a realistic dosing schedule with your doctor, who may switch you to a different kind of insulin, or combine it with an oral medication. If it's too difficult to give yourself an injection, find a way to have someone else administer it. If your pills are giving you side-effects, have your doctor switch you to another rather than simply not take them. If you can't pay for your medication, ask your doctor to change you to something more affordable, or check into a patient assistance program.
2. Educate yourself about the glycemic index. Many diabetics believe that sugar is the only food the must avoid. This is far from the truth. Other carbohydrates raise the blood glucose level as quickly and as high as sugar itself. Even the glycemic index is not the final answer - educate yourself about the glycemic load as well. Whereas cantaloupe and croissants may have similar glycemic index listings, it's much easier to gorge on croissants than cantaloupe. Total calories consumed is at least as important as the glycemic index of a particular food.
3. Just eat less. If educating yourself about the glycemic index and glycemic load is too difficult, just eat less. Eat less of everything and your sugar is sure to improve. If you have a Big Mac and large fries for lunch, cut down to a cheeseburger and small fries - not the healthiest diet, but still an improvement. If you normally have seconds for dinner, stop after your first serving. Most diabetics became that way through a long-established pattern of overeating. Cut out a third of your calories and watch your levels improve. Discuss this approach with your doctor first, in case your medicine needs to be adjusted. You don't want to run the risk of a low blood sugar either.
4. Switch to insulin. Most diabetics are afraid of the needle. But nowadays the needles are so small you barely feel them. With so many oral medications available, patients are often taking 2 or 3 different kinds in order to put off starting insulin. This becomes costly and the dosing schedule may be complicated. Often it's easier to bite the bullet and switch to insulin. There are so many different types available that your doctor should be able to find one suitable for your needs. Enroll in a diabetic class to learn everything you'll need to know about insulin injections and blood sugar monitoring.
5. Figure out why your blood sugar is too high. Does it run high only in the morning? Only after breakfast? Before dinner? Although it's a pain to check your blood sugar several times a day, doing it for short periods should reveal what pattern of hyperglycemia is troubling you the most. Another approach is to check your fasting blood sugar daily and again later in the day, but at different times. If you record the information in a chart or flowsheet, your doctor can examine it for patterns and adjust your medicine time or dosage accordingly.
It's really up to you how well your sugar is controlled. Don't fool yourself by avoiding the need to take action. Partner with your doctor and take charge of your health care today.
Copyright 2010 Cynthia J. Koelker, M.D.

Saturday, September 12, 2009


Walking as an exercise has been with us for a very long time. It is as old as humans themselves. Do you know that medical experts have all proclaimed the various benefits of this simple act? How are we benefiting from this human phenomenon?

Walking reduces body weight. Regular walking ensures you are not a candidate for obesity and its attendant challenges. In fact, one of the surest therapies for taking good care of the obese condition is walking.

Secondly, walking makes you less prone to coronary heart diseases and infections.
It discourages the activities and complications that attend cholesterol formulation near the heart.

Thirdly, walking is a potent antidote against unnecessarily high blood pressure. This unique exercise enhances blood circulation. You are hale and hearty most of the time if you make regular walking your second nature. In fact, you eternally bid farewell to the problem of blood pressure.

In addition, regular walking reduces the possibility of contacting cancer. Cancer is one of the deadliest ailments for which there is yet to be a lasting cure. It has been proven by numerous medical experts that strolling regularly helps to minimise
the tendency towards cancer attack.

Henceforth you better make regular walking your daily routine .Good luck.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

What Everyone Ought To Know Know About Blood Sugar

Do you know that there are several causes of blood sugar or what is popularly known as diabetes? Diabetes is a condition where the sugar levels [or glucose] are too high in the blood. This scenario has become worrisome in most parts of the world. In the United States Of America, it has been reported that the number of diabetics has gone well over 23 million mark.There, the ailment is now dubbed an epidemic.
Recent findings have revealed two [2] major types of diabetes; type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes.Steven Edelman,M.D., Professor of Medicine, University Of California,San Diego,U.S stated that type 1 diabetes results from the malfunctioning of the pancreas, an endocrine organ in the human body which normally secretes insulin.This hormone called insulin allows glucose that move from our bloodstream into the cells of our body to be used for energy.
Dr. Edelman identified insulin resistance as the primary cause of type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body cells are resistant to insulin's power to reduce the level of glucose in our system.Hence, type 1 and type 2 conditions often show the presence of high blood sugar.
So how do you know in earnest if you have diabetes?
The early symptoms of the onset of high blood sugar are thirst,blurred vision, constant urination, and tiredness. Women sufferers may notice vaginal infections and older people may experience dehydration. Excessive blood sugar may lead to glucose spilling into the urine which is called 'sweet urine'.
If diabetes remains too long in the body system, it often leads to further complications. The affected person may become blind from eye disease or nephropathy,may suffer from kidney disease which brings about kidney failure ,and may experience other nerve diseases. Diabetes also hardens and narrows the arteries which results in strokes.
How then can you control diabetes? Medical doctors have hinted that there is not much one can do about type 1 diabetes. They declared that type 2 diabetes can be discouraged by living healthy lifestyle,embracing better eating habits,taking regular exercises, and taking prescribed medications such as pills and /or insulin to bring the blood sugar to the normal level.

Friday, December 19, 2008

Your Health Is Your Wealth

How often do you check the status of your health? Most times majority of us take our well-being for granted.When last did you visit your doctor for medical check-up? You can''t remember eh? Probably you have been too busy at work ! Without mincing words, regular medical check-up is a necessity we must not overlook in order to be alive to enjoy the wealth we are busy building up. Of course, there are positive implications when we take adequate care of our health being. First,you are in good position to quickly nip in the bud any strange development or stress.You get instant medical advice or treatment from your doctor.Two, your ability to take quick action will surely prevent any unexpected,unbudgeted- for medical bill that could pinch holes in your pocket if anything unsavoury crops up without notice. Who says your health is not your wealth?